Friday 30 May 2008


Hey You,
Yeah You from the other side of the world,
the one sitting in front of the lcd or whatever monitor.. Don't You have stuff to do, places to go, books to dust off, trash to throw away, people to call, homework to do, grandparents to visit or just relax after a hard day, after stress and anxiety, go away from annoying people, tasks, bosses, traffic jams, the noise of the city, angry looking neighbors and general exhaustion.

Are You still here?

Go away and take a nap!


Sincerely, taking care of You
Maria from Lithuania...
Don't know where it is? google it ...After the nap

Monday 19 May 2008

Black snowwhite

Black snowwhite
Originally uploaded by Marija. Liu
Make it snow my dearest snowman ..
I am the black snow white living in the most darkest and secretive corner of Your mind.. ,
I'll make you forget the past and not want to live the future..
Make You smell the present and clear your Grey mind from everything that holds you.. From everything that hunts you

Sunday 18 May 2008

Night in the shadow museum

Pseudo people dancing

Pseudo People II

The performance by people from Kedainiai club

Sunday 11 May 2008


I know that You cannot see me...
I know that You cannot be here...

Thursday 1 May 2008


Headache by ~Moonfant on deviantART

A headache (cephalalgia in medical terminology) is a condition of pain in the head; sometimes neck or upper back pain may also be interpreted as a headache. It ranks amongst the most common local pain complaints and may be frequent for few people.

Sveikutis Pone Prisukamas Paukšti

"Mes jį vadinome prisukamu paukščiu. Šitaip jį praminė Kumiko. Nežinojome nei koks tai paukštis, nei kaip jis atrodo, tačiau tai prisukamam paukščiui buvo nė motais. Kiekvieną mielą dieną jis atskrisdavo į gretimai želiančių medžių guotą ir imdavosi prisukinėti mūsų tykaus mažyčio pasaulio spyruoklę."

"Ir kiekvieną kartą, kai tik į mano kiemą atskrisdavo prisukamas paukštis prisukti savo spyruoklės, pasaulis vis giliau smuktelėdavo į chaosą"

Haruki Murakami "Prisukamo Paukščio Kronikos"


A bird does not sing because it has an answer. It sings because it has a song.
{Chinese Proverb}